Friday, December 23, 2016

Crabs, Assemble!, Part Eighteen: Marvel Premiere Classic, Vol. 86: Avengers: West Coast Avengers- Lost in Space/Time

Kang again!!! (Not really Kang, but Rama-Tut, who is just as bad as Kang...In fact, ISN'T he Kang in some way/shape/form...? Ugh. I hate time-travel stories........)

The Trouble With Women, by Jacky Fleming

 If you've ever suspected that women were inferior to men in every way, but lacked proof....your day has come.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Christmas Spirit, by Brian James Freeman

 Adam Tanner, former drug addict, rock 'n' roller, and general all-around hellraiser, is now a dedicated family man, reflecting back on the good samaritan who saved his life and persuaded him to change his ways. A devoted husband and father, Adam and his perfect family are decorating the house for Christmas when a neighbor stops by with some...unsettling news.

 Brian James Freeman's short story THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT makes for good holiday reading if, like me, you love the holiday, but want a little darkness mixed in with your Christmas cheer. Freeman does a great job of fleshing out his characters before giving them a kick in the nether regions.

 A fun way to spend a little pre-holiday reading time.
Six out of ten devil heads!

Suicide Squad: Behind The Scenes With The Worst Heroes Ever, by Signe Bergstrom

 I'm a sucker for many things. Among them:

 I often enjoy reading/watching a good "Making of" more than I enjoy the film itself.

 I love big hardcovers that have random "take-out" objects in them.

 There are more, but those two, in particular, directly influenced my buying this book.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Crabs, Assemble!, Part Fifteen: The Avengers: The Legacy of Thanos

 A choppy, uneven read that closes the books on a few large pieces of The Marvel Universe.